Hey there! I specialize in John F. Barnes Myofascial Release and all of the thoughts and opinions I share here are my own from my experience and training. And I am so glad you are here. With JFB MFR we are treating the health and functional ability of the fascial system, an incredible, 3-dimensional… Continue Reading
Author: Release Spa Studio
Soul Cleanse-My MFR testimonial
Hi there, it’s been a while- and here I am and here you are. We all have things that shape us, things that turn us into the people that we are and encourage us to live our lives a certain way. We have belief systems that hold strong and deep even if they don’t serve… Continue Reading
The Butterfly
A monk found a cocoon of a butterfly. One day a small opening appeared, he sat and watched the butterfly for several hours as it struggled to force its body through that little hole. Then it seemed to stop making progress. It appeared as if it had gotten as far as it could and it… Continue Reading
Emergency Essential Oils
“Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson I thought this oil information would come in handy at any time really, but more so with summer here. Bug bites, rashes and boo-boos are never fun, especially in the summer heat. I use these Young Living Oils daily and can’t imagine not… Continue Reading
Myofascial Release to free you in Naperville IL
Hello Everyone! As some of you may know, I have recently completed classes with John Barnes Myofascial Release Approach. The Myofascial Release classes have brought new light into my hands and my heart. I never realized what energetic and emotional beings we all are or rather how we all pretend not to be. With this… Continue Reading
Healing from the coconut in Naperville IL
With summer just around the corner we are all getting bathing suit ready. What do you think of when you think of summer, what do you smell? What do you completely look forward to? Me, I think of fresh cut grass, flowers, and of course I smell coconut. I look forward to the tropical fruits… Continue Reading
Organic Skincare peels for amazing skin in Naperville IL
Who doesn’t want amazing flawless skin? With proper home care routines using an amazing skincare line and routine professional organic peels in Naperville IL, anyone will have amazing skin! Exfoliating is necessary to achieve a smooth youthful complextion. As cells build up on the surface of your skin, they make it difficult for your products… Continue Reading
Sugaring Hair Removal 101 in Naperville, IL
Most everyone has heard of waxing for hair removal, but have you heard of sugaring? The earliest reference of sugaring hair removal dates back to ancient times in Egypt and Greece. Kings requested woman be hairless as thought to be cleaner and more aesthetically pleasing. Well, the craze is back, many Woman; this day in… Continue Reading
Mankind’s first medicine, essential oils in Naperville IL
Essential Oils are liquids distilled from all parts of plants, the roots, seeds, flowers, bark, fruit, etc. So what sets Young Living Essential Oils in Naperville IL apart from other brands? Young Living Essential Oils are the most pure and therapeutic grade. The constituents of an essential oil are what make the quality so much… Continue Reading
Your skin, your armor
Everyday your skin is your shield to the world, your protection and your armor. The human body and the skin covering it, is incredible. Our tissues are completely adaptive to everything we internally and externally come in contact with. It is important to care for your skin just like you care for your internal body… Continue Reading